The Incredibles 2

The Incredibles 2 was finally released on June 15, 2018! It is the sequel that Disney fans have waited and desired for almost 15 years. Both the original and its sequel were written and directed by Brad Bird. Bird has a nearly perfect record and is known for making all around great films: including The Iron Giant, Ratatouille, and Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol.

The Incredibles 2 has probably been one of the most looked forward to movies from Bird. He was asked many times over the years when we were going to get The Incredibles 2, and he always said he wanted to do the original justice and come up with the best story he could for the follow-up. The 14-year wait was completely worth it. The continuing story of the Parr family is everything I wanted it to be.

Each character throughout the movie is both funny and relatable to watch. We pick up with each of the Parr's lives right where the first movie left off. The Underminer is attacking the city, and it's up to the Incredibles to stop him. Bob still deals with the struggle of wanting to be a full-time super again, while Helen must learn to trust Bob with the kids while she attempts to bring the supers back into the spotlight.

We also get to spend more time learning about Violet, Dash, and even Jack-Jack in the movie. We spend time with Violet as she tries to navigate liking a boy and dating for the first time, and Dash as he learns "new math" in school and Bob tries to help him study with old-school methods. And lastly, we see Jack-Jack as he lives the toddler life trying to get a handle on the seemingly endless powers he keeps getting! Jack-Jack could have easily become a character that was just there for laughs, and he did that, but he also had some really good moments with other characters!

The story was one of the aspects of this movie I was most interested in. After all, it took Brad Bird 14 years to come up with one that he felt did the characters justice. The story revolves around the Parr family as they have now revealed themselves to the world. At this point, supers are still illegal, so the family chooses to work with a company looking to bring superheroes back into the spotlight.

The story focuses on what it means to be a hero. This time around Helen is the one going out and saving lives, while Bob is home taking care of their family. This is not simply played as a role reversal but is showing that being a parent and raising a family is in itself an act of heroism. Both are important, neither being greater than the other.

1 Peter 5:2-3 tells us "Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, watching over them- not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock." I feel like these verses relate well to the message of the film. Being willing to serve the lives of those that God puts under your influence, and being an example for them to learn from.

In all, The Incredibles 2 was everything I wanted it to be. Each character from the last film was more fleshed out, and the story and characters were engaging and relatable. Seeing the action sequences and animation from where it was 14 years ago to what is possible today was fantastic, and as a whole, the movie was fun to watch with great humor and drama. I highly recommend seeing it as it fulfilled my childhood wish of knowing what happens next with our favorite family of superheroes!

God bless! 😃

Check out my thoughts on the first Incredibles movie here: The Incredibles and follow me on Facebook here: Faith & Film


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