
"Daredevil", also known as Matt Murdock is a well-loved character from Marvel comics. By day he is a lawyer living in Hell's Kitchen in New York, and by night he is a hero/vigilante roving the city seeking justice for those the law itself cannot catch. As exciting as this sounds, so far the Daredevil sounds like many of the other vigilante superheroes we hear about in pop culture today. But there is something that makes him unique. As a child, Murdock lost his sight when a radioactive chemical fell from an oncoming vehicle in an accident. From that point on his life was forever changed. Murdock had to grow up learning to live without his sight. Through this, his other senses were greatly heightened, which gave him a substantial advantage when he was out fighting crime as his alter ego.

I want to focus on this ability in particular, and what we as Christians can learn from it. Obviously, it's incredible watching Daredevil take on and conquer criminal after criminal without any eyesight at all. But I think that there is something practical that we can learn from this character and his abilities. Matt Murdock has such strong hearing, that he can "see" far more than the average human making him superior to many.

Recently in my church, we have started a study on the voice of Jesus, and how to intently listen to what He is telling us. Matthew 13:16-17 says "But blessed are your... ears, because they hear. "For truly I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired... to hear what you hear, and did not hear it" How can someone hear without hearing? Well, were they really listening? Many, if not all Christians want to hear from Jesus. Humans cry out to Jesus every day asking for healing, to fulfill needs and wants. But do we really take time to listen for His answer, or even for His voice as all? Are we so focused on ourselves and our lives that we can't take the time to be silent, step back and listen to the voice of God? Jesus says in Mark 4:9 "He who has ears to hear, let him hear." So what do we need to do to hear from Him? Jesus also tells us in Matthew 6:6 that when we pray, we should go into our room and shut the door. In doing this, we shut out the distractions of the world and are able to focus in on the Lord and what He is trying to tell us. We have ears to hear, so let's make an effort to do so.

When Matt Murdock goes into a fight as the Daredevil, he is listening intently at every moment. The slightest detail or change that he notices and responds to, has a powerful affect on the fight's outcome. Before you pray, do you take the time to listen for the voice of God and His wisdom before you start making our requests? When you read the bible, are you reading intently to what God is trying to tell you through His word? I encourage you to take the time to slow down and intently listen for the voice of God in your life over the next week and hear what He has to say. Then take what He is teaching you, and apply it to your life. If you want to grow stronger in your faith each day, try tuning out the distracting things that you can see and touch, and listen, not only with your ears but with your heart. Hearing can be a superpower, but for it to be effective, we sometimes have to tune out what our other senses may be distracting us with, and actively listen for the truth and guidance of our Lord.

Feel free to share your thoughts, comments, and questions below! This is my first go at blogging and I'm excited to see where it can lead!

God Bless!😃 


  1. I really enjoyed that, it was a real interesting way to look at Daredevils character in comparison to scripture


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