Ready Player One

Ready Player One, there was a lot of excitement surrounding this movie! It is based on a book of the same name. I did not have the chance to see it until recently because I was reading the book and wanted to finish that first. As I finished the book, I became very eager to see how the movie would turn out. I heard overall good reviews for it, despite the fact that it was a book to movie adaptation. After watching it, I will say, the book is vastly more in-depth than the movie, but that is always expected. I highly recommend reading the book if you enjoyed the movie. The movie takes the essential plot points and details from the book and shapes them into a very entertaining film. Ready Player One's story takes place in a near future society where everyone is obsessed with a virtual reality video game called the OASIS. The game is so much a part of society that children go to school through it, and adults go to work through it. Life has become so dreary that the average...