i, Robot

I recently rewatched i, Robot last week, and wow I forgot how good the movie is! It's still one of my favorite sci-fi movies for many reasons. First, Will Smith is (of course) awesome in his role of Del Spooner. Second, the action, effects, and humor are exhilarating. And lastly, there are some really well-conveyed themes throughout the movie. i, Robot (released in 2004) takes place in the year 2035 in a futuristic version of Chicago. Del Spooner is a homicide detective for the city, and also superstitious about robots, which have become a norm in society. Robots are active in various roles throughout society including as delivery personnel, personal assistants, even house servants. Due to a previous incident that Spooner was involved in with a robot, he believes that they are all just lights and clockwork, and nothing compared to what a human is capable of believing and accomplishing. As the movie begins, Spooner is referred to a case that is...