
Finally, we come to my favorite movie when I was growing up: Tarzan! I don't even know how many times I've seen this movie, but it has always been one that I loved. I can sing along (not well though) to all the songs by Phil Collins, and without even seeing a thing, just based on a line of dialog pick up on where someone is in the movie and what's on screen. There is so much from this movie that I love, that I had to watch it again to refresh my memory, and I still picked up on some new details and aspects I hadn't before that I am eager to share with you! I'll also note there will be some mild spoilers for the plot in this post.

For those who haven't seen Tarzan, it came out in 1999 and is the story of a man who was orphaned as an infant in the jungles of Africa and raised by a group of gorillas, who he has come to believe is his family. That is until one day, on an expedition, a trio of explorers come to the area where Tarzan and the gorillas live. Tarzan rescues one of them, and he discovers that he is a human. Now he must decide where he truly belongs, with other humans in England, or with those who have raised him.

When Tarzan is first found as an infant, it is by a gorilla named Kala. She had recently lost her own child, and one day while mourning their death she hears crying in the near distance. She races towards the sound, then stops suddenly as she discovers the source. It's a large treehouse, the likes of which she has never seen before. She cautiously climbs up and enters. She finds a baby boy in a makeshift crib. She takes him and brings him back to where the rest of her group was. Though Kurchak tells her it will not replace the one they lost and he can stay. But, that does not make the child his son. I love seeing the immediate attachment Kala has to a complete stranger. She sees someone in need and immediately takes it upon herself to care for and keep Tarzan safe. Seeing this instantaneous love and attachment she has for someone that she knows came to her for a reason is inspiring to me.

Not long after this, we jump to Tarzan as a young boy. He has made some friends but still recognizes that he is an outcast due to his different appearance. After getting into some trouble and having Kurchak make some harsh remarks about him, Tarzan runs off to be by himself. Kala, who he now considers his mother, comes to try and comfort him. He asks some difficult questions which I think could even apply to us as humans in our relationships with one another. One question he asks is "Why am I so different? Kurchak said I don't belong in the family." Responding to this, Kala shows him that it's not what's on the outside that matters, but the heart that makes us the same. This scene is heartwarming as it shows the beautiful relationship between a mother and her son. Thanks to his mothers comforting words, Tarzan now sees a purpose for himself. He says to Kala "I'll be the best ape ever!'

Next, we go into a Phil Collins song (one of my favorites from the whole movie) and see a montage of Tarzan as he grows from a boy to a man. Throughout the song, Collins sings of finding your place beside the ones you love. I love this because at this point Tarzan recognizes that he is different, but embraces his love for his family and determines to be the best he can, no matter the resistance he faces.

As a man, Tarzan has now earned the recognition of being a part of the family by most of the other gorillas, though Kurchak still keeps his distance. One day all the gorillas hear a sudden and loud sound almost like thunder, but unrecognizable to them. Kurchak, thinking of the protection of the group calls for everyone to move on. Tarzan, out of curiosity goes to see what the source of this could be. To his shock and excitement, it was a gunshot (though he has no idea what a gun is) and creatures that look just like him! There are two men, and a beautiful woman that he is taken aback at the sight of. The group is split up, and Tarzan rescues the woman, who we come to know as Jane, and starts spending time getting to know them. Since they look like him, Tarzan is eager to learn all he can about them, their language, and the world he knew nothing of. When he comes back to his family though, Kurchak wants nothing to do with them telling everyone to stay away from them; to which Tarzan counters "Why are you threatened by anyone different from you?"

This is a powerful moment as it is the first time Tarzan has consciously and publicly questioned Kurchak's authority. Also, at the same time, it is a very relevant question for both Kurchak, and I think us as well. So many people are threatened by or fear things that are different than what they know and are accustomed to. I think it is a question that we must ask ourselves, and even pray about. It is important to listen for God's voice and His guidance when we react and respond to things we are not familiar with. God often times calls us to somewhere that we are not comfortable so that He may be glorified through us.

Against Kurchak's request, Tarzan continues to spend time with the other humans (Clayton, Professor Porter, and his daughter Jane). We learn that the professor and Jane are there to study gorilla's, while Clayton is their guide (but he may have an ulterior motive).

After some time Tarzan has come to love being with other humans, and his family wonders if he will abandon them to return to England with Jane. I'm going to jump to the end of the movie so I don't give away every detail of the story lol. Towards the end, Tarzan returns to his family and rescues them from the hands of Clayton. Kurchak is humbled by this and tells him, "forgive me for not understanding, that you have always been one of us." This is probably my favorite line from the movie because we now see that Kurchak has come full circle and sees that true love is what gives us a belonging.

Tarzan has always loved his family of gorillas and felt belonging from that love. I think this is perfect for us as Christian's, as we are all different and some may embrace that while others feel threatened by those differences. It is in our love from God that we find our belonging, and share it with others. Our identity is in Christ, and we can share that identity and love with others in adopting them into Christ's family.

I hope you have enjoyed hearing about my favorite movies when I was growing up! There is so much opportunity for knowledge and wisdom in even a children's story. The Iron Giant, Treasure Planet, and Tarzan are just a few of the ones that I think people of all ages can enjoy watching and learn something from! Thanks for taking the time to hear my thoughts and opinions, I look forward to what's next!

God bless! 😃


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