Treasure Planet

Treasure Planet was another one of my favorite movies as a child, and even today is still one of my favorites. The story itself is a futuristic twist on Robert Louis Stevenson's classic Treasure Island, and is set in outer space with various planets and alien races. Though I had not read the original growing up, I loved the science fiction spin on the tale. Science-fiction and fantasy have always been some of my favorite genres whether it be books, shows, video games, or movies. I admire the creativity it takes to create such worlds.

In hindsight, I see this movie as a great coming of age story for any young/tween boy. Looking back, the main character Jim is someone I could relate to. I may not have been as rebellious as he was, but like him, I was adventurous and desired to be selfless, caring, and loyal towards others. Most of all though, I thought he had the coolest rocket board. I mean, look at this thing, it's awesome!

The story of Treasure Planet starts off by introducing us to Jim. He is a young boy living with his mother who was abandoned by her husband when he was only a toddler. He is lying in bed late at night reading the story of an infamous space pirate. His mother comes in attempting to get him to go back to sleep. They compromise when she says she will finish the story with him. The book finishes with the space pirate vanishing with an unimaginable amount of treasure, never to be seen or found again.

Next, we jump 12 years later and see Jim flying through the air on his rocket-powered solar board. He is caught by the police as the area he is riding in was trespassing. He's brought back to his mom who scolds him and gives him a talk in responsibility. (I'll keep the next part vague to avoid any spoilers for those who haven't seen it).

Later that night, through unexpected circumstances, Jim comes into the possession of a golden sphere that Jim is warned to keep away from the Cyborg at all costs. After some pondering, Jim and a family friend of his moms start off on an adventure into space on a flying ship. They hire a crew, then set off to find out what sphere really is and what secrets it hides.

As the movie continues, we learn more about Jim's past and how he has struggled to find his place in the world, especially after his dad left. Because of this, he was always rebellious, even into his older teen years as he was starting to become a man.

Throughout his journey across the stars, he begins to form a father-son relationship with one of the crew members aboard the ship. Through him, Jim begins learning what it means to have true courage as opposed to the "reckless bravery" he had relied on for much of his life. With this newfound courage, he is able to form new and deeper friendships, and with these friendships comes self-discovery as he begins to understand himself and his place in the world.

As a child, I didn't fully understand the transformation that was taking place in Jim, but I could see how his character and attitude developed throughout the story. Looking back on the things I still remember from this movie as a kid, and the things I notice now as an adult in rewatching it, I am eager to show this movie to my future children and see what kind of impact it can have on them. After all, no matter the movie, they are all meant to impact us in some way. Treasure Planet taught me about courage, friendship, and self-discovery.

I am reminded of Joshua 1:9 that says "Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." We all have a journey that is unique to us in both its blessings and trials, but if we seek Him, God will be there to guide us each step of the way, no matter where we go.

Thanks for reading part two of my childhood favorites! I have one more in the works, and if you know me well, you already know what I'm talking about ;) I'd love to hear from YOU, what are some things that you still remember having learned from movies you watched as a child?

God bless! 😀


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