Treasure Planet

Treasure Planet was another one of my favorite movies as a child, and even today is still one of my favorites. The story itself is a futuristic twist on Robert Louis Stevenson's classic Treasure Island, and is set in outer space with various planets and alien races. Though I had not read the original growing up, I loved the science fiction spin on the tale. Science-fiction and fantasy have always been some of my favorite genres whether it be books, shows, video games, or movies. I admire the creativity it takes to create such worlds. In hindsight, I see this movie as a great coming of age story for any young/tween boy. Looking back, the main character Jim is someone I could relate to. I may not have been as rebellious as he was, but like him, I was adventurous and desired to be selfless, caring, and loyal towards others. Most of all though, I thought he had the coolest rocket board. I mean, look at this thing, it's awesome! The story of Treasure Planet starts off by i...